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Monthly report of the KCA Treasurer

Q&A from the Treasurer

Now that the 2019 budget has been approved, I thought it would be a good opportunity to delve into our reserves, and answer a question or two that I have received.

2019 Proposed Budget

Good news, our annual budget planning process is near the completion stage.  The purpose of this letter is to provide you with an overview of the proposed 2019 Budget, an explanation of key details, and share how we will finalize it. I encourage you to review the information presented here.

Budget Updates—Positive News for 2019

Summer as we know it is now over.  That went way too fast. Leaves are already falling, and kids are back in school.  This also means that our budget season is upon us, and a good time to provide you

Finances and Dog Stations

If you haven’t had a chance to read the Chair’s January update yet,  I suggest you go there and read a great re-cap of our first 2018 BoT meeting.  Lots of interesting things are in the hopper for 2018! 

Greetings and gratitude from your new Treasurer

I take very seriously the trust and responsibility you have placed in me as your new Treasurer, and I look forward to working to help this already great community continue to thrive.

Budget approved with small reduction to some assessments

Thanks to Ken Dretchen and the hard work of the Budget & Finance Advisory Committee assessments for 2018 will remain essentially flat, as the BOT approved a budget that minimizes expense increases.

Proposed 2018 budget repays loans early, keeps spending and assessments flat

The budget approval process is well underway for the 2018 budget, which the BOT will review again at its September meeting before final approval scheduled for the October, after community input.

The 2018 budgeting process is in full swing

We are in the midst of budget season for the next fiscal year, and the Budget and Finance Committee (BFAC) is hard at work preparing its recommendations for our August meeting.

Typical variances in KCA income, expenses; but mid-year report looks good

Thanks to you and your neighbors paying assessments on time, we have the cash flow to ride out the anticipated ups and downs of Assembly income and expenses.

Board seeks to invest in Kentlands social, cultural life

The KCA Board is developing a plan for the management and ongoing usage of the TIC funds that have accumulated over the years to benefit the qualities of the social and cultural life in the Kentlands.